Who We Are

Moral Crema is a fluid art collective that has released its first publications in 2020. We aim to create a culture of intellectual integrity and anti censorship.  After our breakout event in February 2020; we wanted to further our organization into a catalog of artists that create boundary-pushing work. 

What We Do

We are growing a digital and physical library full of the creative work of local and international artists that fit our aesthetic sensibilities.  

In addition to a seasonal print publication, there is a monthly radio show broadcasted by particle.fm. We also host events in art, music, literature, and fragrance.

We reach out to emerging artists who either have a small audience or to introduce more established artists to a new audience; we then promote them over social media and through our publications and events.


S. Luc Miglin  is an artist, writer, and curator who creates art as an experience rather than  individual objects. 

The facilitating of art experiences through Moral Crema is an extension of her own creative practice.


February 2020 Experimental Cabaret 

March 2020 Tumblr Scenecore Gallery Show

August 2020 Pride Twitch Stream

February 2021 Music Video Jockey Twitch Stream

July 2021 Rommage: Pop Up Gallery and Yard Sale

 November 2021 Exsanguination: Bloodfeast (art by Ian Bryden and Al Oldak, Music by DJ Interior Semiotics, E.Male, Vantana Row, Ofthesun)

January 2021: Cataclysm (music by L.U.C, Pleasure Coffin, feard0tcom, E.Male) 

Using Format